Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Speidi's and Snakes

Yes, I know, I suck. I swore that I'd be better at posting to this blog and that was back in March. Haven't been back here since then. So, to get everyone up to speed, the cat died, my dog died, I had a camera capsule stuck in my ass (okay, somewhere in my small intestine) for eight weeks until it mysteriously vanished on the day a brand new procedure was about to be performed in an effort to remove it, the theater is having summer down-time so I'm currently unemployed, I have an elusive bleed somewhere in my body that medical science has so far been unable to identify, co-payments on medical bills are flooding in and I'm going to need a federal bail-out just to cover the expenses, and oh yes, things between the partner and myself have gotten mighty dicey (read: unbearable) lately. So, excuse me if I've been a little preoccupied. I realize that I'm lucky that I have food on the table and a roof over my head and that I haven't yet slipped into some sort of health-crisis death-mode oblivion, but cut me some slack okay? I'm not feelin' the love so I'm a little bit edgy. Deal with it.

In other news, I do have a new web page on an online site: I'm pretty excited about this since it seems to generate a little more traffic than this blog does.

Lately I've found myself watching stuff on TV that I never dreamed I'd be watching. Like "Make Me a Supermodel", for instance. But even that seems like "Masterpiece Theater" compared to "John and Kate + Eight" and "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me the Fuck Out of Here!". Alright, I only saw a couple of minutes of "Celebrity" but those two minutes with Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag could have been spent more productively if I'd, oh I don't know, poked out my eyes with a butter knife. Jesus, what a pair of talentless, thankless non-entities. They are not celebrities. Jon and Kate, on the other hand, seem like Brad and Angelina by comparison. Okay, that's a stretch, I know that. How about we substitute the Pitt's with the Flintstones. That any better? Jon does bear a passing resemblence to Fred, especially now that he's gotten his hair plugs. Poor clueless Kate. I wonder if Jon's really screwing around on her? I wonder why I even care? Then there's "Expedition: Africa" on the History Channel, which I either really love or really hate, I haven't quite made up my mind yet. The lone woman on the expedition was tooling around out in the bush taking a piss one morning and a cobra sidled over near her, reared up, and spat at the camera, leaving a shmear of viscous, oozing snake poison on the lens. Urrrggghhhhh!

What's really bugging me this week is the recent election in Iran, which was undoubtedly fixed. I mean, I was sure that it would be. Now those poor Iranians have to put up with that imbecilic lunatic Ahmadinejad for four more years, or however the hell long his term is going to last. Is he a little bit like the Peter Sellers character in "Being There", where certain people mistake his idiocyncracies for genius? And oh boy, North Korea. They're threatening to go nuclear in a big way if we keep pissing them off. Do they really think that cutting their nose off to spite their face is going to improve the situation? Maybe we could just send over Spencer and Heidi (Speidi) in exchange for Laura Ling and Euna Lee. There'd be no more threats of a nuclear holocaust because Speidi would bore them all to death.

That's probably going to be it for today. I'm uncommonly bitchy and am going to set off to the kitchen in search of food. Perhaps I'll return tomorrow, or later this week, or I might just run away to Dublin and learn to twirl the fire baton. See you in church.

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