Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Steves Can't Dance

The two Steves lived to shlepp another day on last night's "Dancing With the Stars" while former Bond girl, Denise Richards, was sent packing, in another dubious, viewer-induced outcome that further sank the show to the level of "America's Funniest Home Videos", host Tom Bergeron's other cringe-worthy turd-blossom of a project. To be fair, both Steves sustained dancing injuries in recent weeks, but their antics, while amusing at first, have quickly become yawn inducing, unfunny, and unwatchable. Denise Richards and last weeks castoff, Belinda Carlisle, can dance circles around these guys; the Steves even make last season's beloved Cloris Leachman look like Cyd Charisse on the dance floor. To be honest, I don't know why I'm complaining. I don't even like this show, but somehow I've gotten suckered into watching it, season after season. And who are the "voters" anyway, the ones who keep bringing back the likes of Steve Wosniak and Steve-O? One senses that they're the same people who made Seth Rogen a star, and worship at the shrine of frat boy smirkiness and mediocrity. So far, that naked shower guy from the "Sex and the City" movie is holding up in the number one position, and I hope he wins. He's hot, he's graceful, and he can actually dance.

Last night was also the final night of the "Jeopardy" championship and it was a nail-biter, as smarmy, know-it-all Larissa seemed poised to polish the floor with deadpan Dan and personable Aaron. As they headed into Final Jeopardy, Alex Trebek pursed his lips and asked which British king was the last of the same name NOT to be born on foreign soil--or something like that, it just flew over my head. Aaron correctly guessed that George was the answer, confirmed by Alex as "George II". Then, Dan prepared to show us his answer, and in my mind I was chainsmoking because that look on his face was not promising, and yet "George" popped up on his little screen, so I breathed a sigh of relief. "And how much did you wager, Dan?" Alex asked, as Dan revealed that he had wagered only $7,000, when he should have bet it all (something like $16,000) to come close to beating Larissa, who undoubtedly had the answer and wouldn't balk at betting everything (over $20,000). But somehow, Larissa didn't know the answer, and she hadn't bet everything (good thing for her), and Dan wound up winning the Jeopardy trophy and $250,000. Which all should have made me very happy, except that Larissa looked so downcast and like she was about to cry at any moment, so that any joy I would have savored was lost in an inexplicable wave of sympathy for a contestant that I had come to despise. Go figure.

And, of course, I saw bits and pieces of President Obama's press conference, and you know, I realize that reporters have to ask tough questions, and I realize that we are in desperate times, what with the robber barons and their sinking of our economy, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the brewing, festering, nasty cauldron of ill will certain Republicans are generating as they attempt to derail this young administration at every turn. And what about the atrocities happening right next door in Mexico, threatening at any moment to spill over into our own living rooms here in the USA? But, for god's sake, the President has been in office for 64 fucking days, do you hear that CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fox News Network, Republican pundits and senators? That's sixty-four fucking days. Say it aloud. Give him time. Stop being so pessimistic and overzealous and goddamned partisan. If you're truly concerned about the future of the country and not just posing and playing to a dwindling audience, give the President and his people time, cooperation, and a little bit of fucking respect. It's been said a million times, but face it, it did take Bush and his "team" slightly longer than 64 days to fuck things up royally, and he was actually given quite a lot of leeway in the first few years of his reign, thanks to 9/11.

I just read the comment from my friend, John, in Oklahoma City, that linked to a blog revealing that gay-baiting hatemonger Anita Bryant and her husband have set up offices in OKC's Bricktown district. Well, unfortunately that doesn't surprise me. As I've said before, Oklahoma provides the perfect environment for the cheerleaders of hate to thrive, and Bryant, being far too long out of the public eye (and having failed in her career), appears to have come home to rejuvenate her campaign against the gay community. I'm just not sure how much longer Bryant and her ilk will be successful. I sense a change coming in Oklahoma, even though it is late, and even though it is coming on the heels of greater change elsewhere. Anita Bryant gives a very public face to the foe that has demonized and attempted to destroy gays throughout recent history, and like the battle Bryant waged in Florida in the 1970's, it will almost surely play out again in Oklahoma in the 2000's. I hope that the gay community in Oklahoma is cohesive enough and strong enough to defeat Bryant and her many allies (a formidable presence represented by the numerous politico-religious groups ingrained in Oklahoma lawmaking). Oh, and just for the record, to anyone not familiar with J.C. Watts, former OU football star, Repub House flunkie, and aspiring Oklahoma governor: yes, he's African-American, but, make no mistake, he has more in common with GW Bush than he does with Barack Obama, and I include IQ in that assessment. Think about it.

1 comment:

V. said...

I am very surprised that you don't like Larissa Kelly. She's brilliant and very soft spoken, not smarmy in the least. Seriously, all three of them were amazing, but when she lost, she was crushed. I really liked her.